Foote Communications

Tom Joyner Releases New Book on How to Prepare for College

The “how to” guide helps parents, kids offers step-by-step advice

(Dallas, TX – March 9, 2009) Tom Joyner, the nationally syndicated media personality and philanthropist, has released a new book to help students prepare for college.

The book, “Tom Joyner Presents How to Prepare for College”, is filled with easy to read, easy to understand lessons that can help make the path to college a little bit easier.

“What I like about this book is that it shows you the steps you need to take to get into college and it applies to everyone,” said Tom Joyner, who created the Foundation in 1998. “Everything from raising a college-bound student to life after college is covered. Whether you’re a child in elementary school or an adult in the work force considering enrolling in a college or university, this book has something you can use”.

Written by Thomas LaVeist and Wil LaVeist, the book has a foreword by Joyner and is published by Joyner’s Foundation and Amber Books. The book will be available to individuals, high schools, libraries, non-profits, organizations, businesses and your local community bookstore. Order now through and Chain stores (Barnes and Noble, Borders, Walmart, Sam’s, etc.), can make special orders through Independent Publishers Group until September 2009, when the title will be officially released (published) nationwide.

The book features useful advice on several subjects, including:
* A step-by-step guide for elementary school and beyond
* Historically Black Colleges and University (HBCU) v. non-HBCU: Which is the right for me?
* The Admission Process
* Paying for a college tuition
* The financial aid process
* Financial aid myths
* Staying in college
* Preparing for life after college
* Giving back
* A List of HBCUs
*  Useful websites/organizations for scholarships/grants

Tony Rose, Publisher/CEO, of Phoenix, AZ based Amber Communications Group, Inc. (ACGI) and the Executive Director of The African American Pavilion at BookExpo America began Quality Press in 2000 in order to accommodate authors who wished to self-publish their books. Amber Books Publishing, the corporation’s first imprint, was founded in 1998 and has become established as the nation’s largest African-American publisher of self-help and career-guide book titles written by and for African Americans.

Rose responded to the needs of the growing market of self-publishers and placed the Quality Press division under the direction of Yvonne Rose who is also an Associate Publisher for Amber Books and Director of Quality Press.

Yvonne Rose, an Associate Publisher for Amber Books and Director of Quality Press, said, “We are delighted with the opportunity and pleased that the Tom Joyner Foundation, Inc. has selected Quality Press, Amber Books and Independent Publishers Group to handle the production, manufacturing, publishing and distribution of their new literary venture Tom Joyner Presents How To Prepare For College.

The Tom Joyner Foundation provides financial assistance to students at Black Colleges and Universities. (HBCUs) Since 1998 The Tom Joyner Foundation® has raised more than $55 million to help students attending HBCUs stay in school. The Tom Joyner Foundation also hosts an annual cruise named the Fantastic VoyageTM , which raises money for the (HBCUs).

For further information, sales and Bulk Sales of the title Tom Joyner Presents How To Prepare For College to High Schools, Libraries, Organizations, Businesses, Non-Profits and individuals contact: Amber Communications Group, Inc. at or call  1-866-566-3144 .

Bookstores / Libraries / Wholesalers / Distributors / Trade and International Orders, contact: Independent Publishers Group (IPG) 814 North Franklin Street, Chicago, IL 60610 – 312-337-0747 or  1-800-888-4741  to order Tom Joyner Presents How To Prepare For College and all Amber Books and Colossus Books.

For Media Review Copies: for Media Inteviews:

For further information concerning Quality Press contact: Yvonne Rose at (602) 743-7426 or

Neil Foote
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