Foote Communications

NAMME Membership Study – Executive Summary

Executive Summary of Results 
& Respondent Recommendations 


In August 2007, NAMME (National Association of Minority Media Executives) conducted a survey of its former and current NAMME members, NAMME Board Members, McCormick Fellows, and “Friends of NAMME” to gather intelligence around NAMME’s membership offerings. 


NAMME’s Chairman, Executive Director, Membership Director and select Board Members collaborated to create the comprehensive survey.  To gain an in-depth understanding of the issues, the group decided to employ an email format for the study via Survey Monkey.

The survey design focused on collecting data in six major categories: (1) membership
benefits, (2) programs and services, (3) member communication, (4) events, (5) publications and reports, and (6) website. Within each category, 3-4 questions were asked to garner feedback as possible. Participation in the survey was strictly voluntary. To ensure the confidential integrity of the survey, names of participants will not be revealed.   Additionally, responses are either reported anonymously or in aggregate.


The findings and themes discussed in this report represent dominant and significant
patterns in the data collected.

Key findings from this study are listed below. 

Eighty-four percent (84%) of all survey participants were NAMME members:
* 34% have been NAMME members for 6+ years
* 32% for 1-3 years
* 17% for 4-5 years
* 17% for less than 1 year

When asked, “what was the greatest benefit of being a member of NAMME”:
* 74% cited “belonging to a community”
* 21% cited “networking,” “giving back,” or “knowledge sharing”
* 6% cited “having a say in the affairs of NAMME”

When asked, “what was the primary reason for joining NAMME”, respondents stated:
* “The opportunity to give back and help others to rise to upper ranks of media
* “NAMME is a support network as well as a conduit through which I can share life-
lessons with those who will follow and who can use my experiences as learning
templates to make their journey less challenging”
* “The main reason why I joined NAMME was my desire to be the affiliated with a
group of like minded media focused individuals who are dealing with and
confronted with similar business and industry issues and career challenges”
* “To broaden our knowledge of diversity and create a wider reach for our
development efforts”
*  “Being exposed to minority champions in our industry”
*  “…valuable for building contacts who are willing to share their knowledge and
experience on a variety of topics”
*  “Networking, experience of others and another way to enhance your career”
*  “Being part of a special network”
*  “The organization continually offers a very rewarding experience.  The members are
among the smartest, most strategic and dynamic people in business. I love having
the opportunity to work with them”

Ninety-eight percent (98%) of all survey respondents stated that they would recommend
NAMME to a friend/colleague.


Eighty-six (86%) of all survey respondents were “satisfied” or “extremely satisfied” with
NAMME’s overall programs and services.   Fourteen percent (14%) had no opinion.

When asked “what is your opinion of the organization”, respondents stated:
*  “An organization that needs to find its niche and not try to be all things to all people.
We are concerned with large turnouts at events; when I think we should continue to
focus on quality. The numbers will come.”
*  “Scratching the surface of its potential impact.”
*  “The quality of the programs NAMME offers fills a void in terms of the programs it
*  “Respected organization that is working to improve diversity in the media”
*  “I think the heart of the organization is in the right place, but it still doesn’t have
enough focus and is disorganized”
*  “I think it is a great organization that offers a unique perspective on business issues
facing minorities”
*  “Favorable, but I believe that more marketing is essential”
*  “Excellent organization that is on top of issues and trends in the industry”
*  “I wish that the organization had a stronger mentoring component”
*  “I think NAMME is an excellent organization. However, it needs to grow its
membership, financial and political base”
*   “NAMME is an important organization that needs to leverage the power of its
members to make a difference in our industry”
*  “Good networking tool. Seems more focused towards editorial professionals and not
ALL newspaper aspects”

When asked “which of NAMME’s programs and services was of most benefit to them’:
*  55% cited “networking” as most important
*  50% cited “education/development programs” as very important
*  46% cited “newsletters” as important
*  37% cited “book reviews” as somewhat important

The program aspect most valued or used the most was:
*  Annual Conference – 40%
*  Albert E. Fitzpatrick Leadership Development Institute – 30%
*  McCormick Tribune Fellowship – 18%


Ninety-five (95%) of all respondents learn about NAMME events, programs, services and updates via an email from NAMME and/or NAMME Board Member.

Seventy-nine (79%) of the respondents feel connected with the organization and are
comfortable with the level of current communications.  While sixteen percent (16%)
“don’t feel connected to the NAMME community”.


Publications of greatest value to respondents:
*  Executives of Color: What It Takes To Succeed – 63%
*  Do We Check It At the Door? – 63%
*  Diversity and the Next Generation – 53%
*  Looking Inward, Going Forward – 42%


When asked, “on average, how often do you visit our Web site,“:
*  51% cited “once per month”
*  20% cited “once per year”
*  10% cited “less than one year”
*  10% cited “once per week”
*  3% cited “everyday”

The most popular sections of the website included:
*  News
*  Programs
*  Career Resources (Management Training)
*  Donate/Endow
*  Membership (Member Profiles)
*  Events (Events Calendar)

Respondents were also given the opportunity to share their recommendations for
organization success.  Those recommendations were:

*  “Focus on what we do best”
*  “NAMME should take a stronger advocacy role pushing for minorities in media
leadership positions”
*  “Perhaps State chapters with events to keep the momentum going – person-to-
person, on a smaller scale – between annual conferences”
*  “More recruitment of members”
*  “Determine a way to keep diversity and minority opportunity in the minds of the
powers that be”
*  “Better promote its members – who they are and what they do, particularly the
success of the LDI. identify ways to ‘extract’ the expertise and share it with our
members on an ongoing basis, not just at the annual conference or awards dinner”
*  “Be more visible, communicate info in more timely fashion, engage members in
dialogue about issues important to them”
*  “Get more involved at the college level to bring in more talented minorities, with a
focus on ALL disciplines and not just journalists”
*  “Keep doing what you are doing and stay up to date with technology and use it to
enhance communication among the members”
*  “Have a couple of regional meetings”
*  “Send updates via email” 
*  “Focus on community; build coalitions within those community at a tactical level and
try to weave tactics from multiple disciplines with strategy”
*  “It is extremely important for NAMME to develop a strong mentoring program
(especially for new recruits)”
*  “Provide more insight into recruitment, business development that impacts diversity”
*  “Increase the frequency of the newsletter; host local events so we can continually
reach people who can’t always travel to larger events due to jobs, families, budgets”
*  “Expand newsletter to include useful industry info and updates on members”
*  “The tool kits sessions at the conferences are so great. Compile some tips from these
sessions and make them available…cut a deal with some of these presenters to offer
NAMME member discounts to purchase their books or to come to our organizations”
*  “With the awards banquet…[create and sell]…a [compilation] DVD or CD  of the
award winners’ work or [sell]…the always heartwarming DVD shown during the
*  “Add information about other industry-related events, an book store
featuring the latest books on media, diversity and/or management trends to the
*  “Improve home page design (of NAMME website)…consider eliminating some
sections that probably get little or no traffic … focus on members, industry
news/trends, diversity articles/books, career/executive development tools”
*  “Make (the NAMME website) more timely. Things stay up on the site for months at a
*  “Provide professional membership cards that have benefits (like NAFE). That would be a good recruiting tool”
*  Develop a division that is looking to the future and identifying the up-and-coming top
executives who are diamonds in the rough and actively mentor them. They need to
be reached before the McCormick Tribune Fellowship stage”
*  “I would like to see a section that provides members with an opportunity to cross-
learn about each others’ industries in short sessions, or point novices to where to go to
learn more. I know a little about TV, for instance, but would like to know more. And
what about a Web news section or new technology section? And what about video
from the banquets and conferences as well as photos?”
*  “(NAMME) puts on very strong programs but it is unable to attract a significant crowd.
That suggests trying some fresh approaches — moving out of Washington, as will
happen in 08, for instance. Or partnering with another group, as happens with the
annual awards dinner.”
*  “(Promote) the organization in a way that attracts more members”
*  “More marketing, greater visibility at media conferences, more communications”
*  “Education to assist us in reaching our career goals”
*  “Increase it membership base to establish a profitable membership”
*  “Found local or regional chapters so that members can interact with each other
more frequently”
*  “Perhaps State chapters with events to keep the momentum going – person-to-
person, on a smaller scale – between annual conferences”
*  “Suggestion: web-training; workshops online”
*  “Regional events instead of national ones”
*  “More recruitment of members”
*  “Develop a stronger mentoring network” 

Neil Foote
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