Foote Communications

Bill Allen Sr. Celebrates Retirement At Virginia Gala

Bill Allen, Sr., retired from his post as Director of Parks and Recreation Department of Accomack County, after a thirty-year career as a county employee and community volunteer who influenced thousands of lives.

At the black-tie affair gala in Parksley, Va. Earlier this month, celebrities from around the country and throughout Virginia recognized Allen as a pioneer in the African-American community who helped children, senior citizens and just about anybody who crossed his path.

During a video tribute, nationally syndicated media personality, philanthropist and entrepreneur Tom Joyner, Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Member Eddie LeVert and Walter Williams of the O’Jays, Tom Joyner Morning Show Senior Analyst and CNN Contributor Roland Martin, Virginia State House Legislator Lynwood Lewis, gospel great Dr. Bobby Jones and many others shared their congratulations and well-wishes to Allen.

Newspaper editor Bill Sterlings, the Deputy Sheriff of Accomack County Virginia, Dr. Christopher Bullock of the Canaan Baptist Church, dignitaries of AME Churches, gospel legend Tye Tribbetts, also participated.

Allen’s retirement caps off a career of hard work where he had to overcome obstacles at every step along the way.  During his rich life, he took on numerous jobs, such as security guard, barber, teletype operator and owner of coin-operated machines. His son, Bill Jr., said his dad has always been an inspiration, symbolizing all the wonderful components of God and family.  

The retirement celebration wasn’t complete until Allen, Sr. had everyone share the code that he passes along to his four children, twelve grandchildren, and community:

A Pledge

I pledge to be part of We.

I pledge to build bridges between myself, my community and our children.

We will educate one another, about one another, and about our community.

I pledge to use what I learn to open one new idea, to one child, each week.

I pledge to open my heart, an mind, to that which is larger than my self.

These things, through me, to We, for the children, I pledge.

For additional information or schedule an interview with Mr. Allen Sr., contact Neil Foote, Foote Communications,

Neil Foote
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